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Why Narratives Matter

Nazim Damardji

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

It’s a well-known fact that journalists and comms specialists live in worlds far apart. While the first try to cater to their readership, the second are forever coming up with new ideas that they just scribbled on a notepad. Needless to say, the space in between both worlds is strewn with obstacles.

Thankfully, a solution exists that enables communication specialists to present their thoughts and views on topics of interest to journalists. This approach is called a strategic narrative.

In short, a strategic narrative allows you to create smart content, in line with the interests and expectations of the media.

How does it work? A strategic narrative provides ready-made language. Mind you, that has nothing to do with spinning information or inventing new concepts, in fact it’s quite the opposite. It's about observing phenomena, pointing them out, and giving one's expert point of view.

American brands like Netflix are very good at it. Recently, they surfed on the binge watching phenomenon. Louis Haushalter, a journalist at Europe 1, translates this term as Beuverie de séries (series binge drinking).

With this technique, Netflix was able to highlight all its know-how and expertise in the field of television viewing. In concrete terms, they have identified this trend of television consumption. They created content in which they supported their knowledge and expertise. Then, they communicated this content to all journalists who have dealt with this subject or would be likely to talk about it. In summary, Netflix has not communicated about a new product, a partnership or any other promotional information, but they surfed on a trend identified to comment and shine their expertise. Add to that, a pinch of computer graphics and a dedicated website to illustrate schematics and its point of view, you will have the recipe for an excellent Strategic Narrative.

The design of the Strategic Narrative is based on the same approach as a thesis. The reflection is built on arguments observed in several contexts: historical, cultural, philosophical, societal, political or any other field that you describe as relevant. Take the example of "Loyalty Programs". We could observe the behavior of consumers today, and thus compare the phenomenon with the history of loyalty at large, its evolution for a century, loyalty in sport, politics, etc. One can even be surprised to find new loyalty codes, in today's stars like Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber.

Follow the Blue Rabbit

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